Observing the Moon – south-east quadrant

Here are more features visible with amateur astronomers’ telescopes as the Moon grows from a crescent to First Quarter phase following New Moon. Mare Fecunditatis, the Sea of Fertility, and Mare Nectaris, the Sea of Nectar, are the dark lava plains that dominate the south-eastern quadrant of the Moon.

They are easy to see in binoculars. While the Moon is still a fine crescent, use your telescope to look for the large and easy to spot craters of Langrenus, Vendelinus and Petavius.

More and more impact sites will come into view as the lunar phase grows and the crater-strewn southern region of the Moon becomes visible.

For an alternative, inverted view, here is a chart with south at the top.

You can download a check sheet for the entire list of 50 features here! (PDF file).


Our list of 50 features

1. Albategnius
2. Alphonsus
3. Alpine Valley
4. Altai scarp
5. Apennines
6. Archimedes
7. Aristarchus
8. Aristillus
9. Aristoteles
10. Arzachel
11. Autolycus
12. Bessel
13. Birt
14. Bullialdus
15. Catharina
16. Clavius
17. Copernicus
18. Cyrillus
19. Endymion
20. Eudoxus
21. Fracastorius
22. Gassendi
23. Grimaldi
24. Herodotus
25. Hevelius
26. Hipparchus
27. Kepler
28. Lamont
29. Langrenus
30. Linné
31. Menelaus
32. Petavius
33. Piccolomini
34. Plato
35. Posidonius
36. Proclus
37. Ptolemaeus
38. Purbach
39. Regiomontanus
40. Riccioli
41. Rümker
42. Schickard
43. Schiller
44. Stöfler
45. Straight Wall
46. Theophilus
47. Tycho
48. Vendelinus
49. Walter
50. Wargentin