best astronomy telescopes

Telescope Advice

Here are our own useful articles to help you choose and use a telescope.

How to choose a telescope. All you need to know to help you purchase the right instrument.

Different types of telescope. We explain the various options available to you.

Buying a telescope as a gift for someone. Some useful hints on picking a telescope for the amateur astronomer in your life.

Browse telescopes for sale

How to choose a telescope for a child. If you have a youngster who has found an interest in stargazing, this will help you to pick the right instrument to get them started.

Ten tips for using a new telescope. So you’ve bought yourself a telescope and you can’t wait to look at the night sky. Here’s some useful advice to help you get the best from your new instrument.

Getting started with a new telescope. And here is a more in-depth article from one of the world’s leading telescope experts, Robin Scagell.

Testing your telescope. More wise words from telescope sage Robin Scagell, with the start of a three-page special article.

How to collimate a telescope. Robin Scagell advises what to do if your optics need to be realigned.